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I was originally introduced to the skate culture by my dad. I have since made friends who skate, but never picked it up myself. 
Emma Kaufman

Here you see a photo of me with the skateboard I bought Spring 2020 and have only ridden twice. One of those times being for the live performance at Tweed.


The big question is: Why Poser? Well for starters, I don't even skate yet my art is highly inspired by the skate culture.​ The term "poser" is not typically a positive one, but my intentions with this show are to use it in a humorous way. 


How was I introduced to skate culture? Growing up, my dad skateboarded, and still does. He often played 80s/90s punk music around the house and would plan family outings to punk concerts. There was even a halfpipe in my childhood home's backyard! 


How is skate culture prevalent to me now? Quite a few of my friends skate and I even own a skateboard now! I don't know how to ride it, but hopefully one day I will. The music and art that surrounds skate culture has always intrigued me. 


What inspires my art? Skate (obviously) and people! Other than the fact that I paint on skateboards, that use of spray paint originated from me trying to emerge myself more into the skate culture. The idea for the sanding down process comes from the process of street art. Art goes up, authorities cover it up, artist spray paints again, authorities cover it up again, and so on. I go through the process of spray painting, covering, spray painting, covering, etc. until I have several layers built up and then I sand them down. By sanding, I am combing the two actions that happen to street art - the making and the destroying. For my other pieces, that's where people play a big role. Most of my pieces involve me thinking about someone in my life and then painting something I think they would like or something that reminds me of them. In all honesty, I am not sure how I would make art for myself which I am okay with because being the extrovert that I am, it's the people in my life who make my life worth living. I am perfectly content being inspired by them and making art that is inspired by them.

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